Auto insurance should be part of every vehicle purchase.
We separate the insurance quoting process from the auto buying process, unlike everyone else.

Commercial insurance for your auto dealership just got easier, for the first time ever.
Special dealer participation programs available to select dealers.

A Brief History Lesson
3 reasons why auto insurance has never succeeded within dealerships:
- Quoting auto insurance at the time of the car sale has historically taken so long that it kills the car deal. A lot.
- Selling auto insurance has historically required your employees to become licensed, which is time consuming and costly.
- Auto insurance underwriters have historically treated auto dealers as full standalone insurance agencies, requiring monthly quotas for unnecessary products like life insurance, annuities, and even mutual funds.
3 reasons why auto insurance will be primarily sold through dealerships within 5 years:
- DealerSure has perfected the art of separating the auto insurance quote from your car deals. No car deals killed, ever. In fact, our approach enhances your closing rate.
- DealerSure does not require insurance licensing by you or any of your employees. Get started in less than 24 hours, at no cost.
- DealerSure does not require any moronic minimums on the products you don’t need. There’s never any pressure to sell life insurance.

Are you currently making money off your customers when they do their insurance verification before they buy a car from you?
We have a program that pays your salespeople for every quote and frees up $3,000 of the customer's money (while they're still in the store) on average per customer who buys their car insurance through us. This program also makes car deals happen that might be on the edge of not happening.
Whoever refers the leads to us gets paid the $25 whether we bind the policy or not. And we are all automotive retail people who understand what it takes to make sure we help you get the car deal done.
DealerSure can brand our innovative smartphone app and website to your dealership, strengthening your own brand and therefore your customer retention.

Build customer loyalty
Help your customers save money
Inspire customer loyalty by enabling your customers to save money on insurance during the car purchase process. DealerSure customers have seen average yearly savings of $600+ when they purchased through the DealerSure marketplace and saved, which results in a larger budget for their car purchase.
Average savings for customers who purchased from DealerSure.

Earning is easy
Submit referrals in a snap when you use the DealerSure app.
Download the App and create your account
Download the App from iTunes or Google play store. You can then select a sales rep if one referred you or choose none. Enter contact info and agree to the terms. You’re ready to go.
Start sending referrals!
Select the product you would like to refer, add referrals – import the contact from your contacts list, add a call back time or other info. Submit, you're all done.
Follow the status of your referrals and your rewards
Once your referral makes a purchase, the referral moves to a Sold Referral. Make sure that you have notifications enabled for the App, so that you’re alerted when you receive rewards or when you’ve earned a bonus.

Unlimited earnings
Reward your sales team
For every qualified referral to DealerSure, the referring salesperson receives an instant referral free notification, so they can see their earned rewards in readl time and convert them into cash, or to any of over 200 gift cards built in and available right on their referral app.

Only the best partners
What insurance companies does DealerSure represent? A lot of them, by design.
Every insurance company has different underwriting rules, which means that their prices can vary…a lot. Since these underwriting rules are complex, there’s no better (or faster) way than DealerSure to shop auto insurance—because we rapidly compare rates between more than 100 insurance companies across the country.
Find it challenging to get insurance? We have the solution—our carriers specialize in providing insurance for everyone, no matter your credit history or driving record.

The best team
Refer customers to our licensed agents anytime, 24/7.
DealerSure is proud to have one of the nation's only dealership specific insurance quoting centers with well-trained teams of insurance agents who understand that the car sale itself is the the most important transaction happening. Dealership referral partners can submit insurance leads 24 hours per day and 7 days per week from any location or any interaction with a potential insurance customer. Our professional sales associates will contact these referrals at a time of your choosing or peak dealership hours (8am – 9pm EST in most states) to make the insurance process smooth for dealers and shoppers.